I would use conditioner. There are baby conditioners out there, but really, you should be just fine to use the kind you use. Especially with the formaldehyde statistics coming out about all the baby shampoos, I am weary to recommend any baby product.
Just use your regular conditioner on the back of her head. If you just use it on the back, then you shouldn't have to worry about getting any in her eyes.What shampoo is best to help dry hair on a baby?
You could try California Baby Hair Conditioner. I've heard good things about it!: http://www.diapers.com/Product/ProductDe鈥?/a>
You may want to consider switching your baby wash/shampoo. The ones put out by Johnson %26amp; Johnson have gotten some bad press lately. Read this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/con鈥?/a>
Aveeno is also put out by them and has the same issue. California Baby brand in general is clear though.. and I use a brand from Germany called Weleda. I used to use Aveeno but switched over after the study came out. California Baby and Weleda sold in Babies R Us or on Amazon.
I use the huggies brand of shampooing, its shea and cocoa butter, or something, and it smells great and leaves my daughters hair feeling soft and silky. I also have the Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo with lavender and I found that it left my daughters hair lacking. It is worth a try. ALSO I have Organic baby wash and hair wash that I love. Check it out, at your local health nut store. My mum got it for me, and its quite nice.
You could go to kids shampoo they have conditioner in them I use suave for kids cherry its a 2 in one. Loreal has one too. But they also have shampoo and conditioner separate, look in the shampoo section at your store there are lots with no tear formula. Also, if the baby's hair is short I use to use baby lotion on my kids' heads. It helps with dry scalp and cradle cap, and it will train the hair to stay down. You could also try that. Good luck.
i have the same problem my self, i know im not a baby but my hair gets extremely dry i gotta use conditioner or wash my hair every other day..
my daughters hair, i wash every other day because her hair gets dry after one day and the second its greasy idk how and idk why but it is and i use johnsons and johnsons head to toe..
She doesn't need shampoo at all. There are plenty of adults who don't shampoo their hair. It's just too drying.
You can wet it and then put conditioner in it. Use a mild conditioner- it will be fine for her even if it's not made for 'babies.'
I shampoo my three year old's hair only about once a week, my own, every three days or so, and only on the crown. We both use a ton of conditioner, the same for both of us, treseme with vitamin B5.
Aveeno Baby Wash
works miracles!!
also only shampoo about every other day and use a little of your own conditioner even if its not meant for babies it will be ok
Its getting dried out from being washed too much. I would only actually use shampoo like once a week and wet/condition it as needed.
I just asked this question and I got some pretty great answers take a look http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
We started using Aveeno Baby shampoo and it works on my son really well. It's very mild and i think that's what helps him.
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